Sunday, May 8, 2011


The day of reckoning has finally come,
As I pack my things up ready for a brewing war,
I leave now the lands I had toiled and the trees I let grow in the fields,
And let the sun shade its light on them, and grow no more.

I shirk not to an order that commanded me,
As I passed unto the throngs of red-badge men in line.
Clad in golden armors, kneeling in exhortation,
Though with hesitation and bewilderment,
The golden message I have that would change the course of my history.

And the flowers of May I used to fancy,
Let the passersby partake of its whiff,
While its scent carries me through.
Away to the light that shields my night,
And the darkness that overshadows it,

I have rested long enough in these fields,
Whilst I take cognizance of the beauty it brings to me,
Lest, my absence would frail their essence,
As I stand with great uncertainty and vacillation
I face the road less-traveled and notice my way home,
With tears in my eyes and joy in my heart,
“HUSH, BABY, HUSH…” was all that I had mumbled.


what do you think?